By the 4th month of your pregnancy your baby will be about the size of an avocado! In this board book we talk about the food our BornBrite® friends like to eat. Because by now your baby’s teeth are fully developed, and even though you cannot see them yet, they are hiding inside your baby’s gums!
During this stage babies also develop their gasping, sucking and swallowing skills, plus a bunch of amazing taste buds to later on recognize all the flavors they are introduced to. Have you thought about making your own recipe of baby porridge? Or to start buying organic produce from the local farmer’s market? Or even start your own kitchen-garden? Your baby’s nutrition habits are a key factor for optimal development.
Try to prepare as much of your baby’s food as you can! Cook with all the love you feel for them, give them the best nutrition and teach them from an early stage to keep their body healthy by eating right.