A Bornbrite Mom Letter

The Project of You Giving Life


A Bornbrite Mom Letter

Sometimes the hardest part is to actually begin.

As a woman, I can say that starting an entrepreneurial dream is pretty scary. The investments, the timing, the idea and concept- it all starts as an exciting rollercoaster and once you’re finalllllly out there your legs shake and your nerves are a wreck.

I truly believe many of you can relate: be it in a small home business or a change in your career in the corporate ladder – that first step into the reality of something new is quite a feeling!

Multiply that times 100…and when you’re about to actually be a mom…give birth to a baby…for the first time (and I’m sure no matter if it’s your second or your third the sensation is very similar)…now THAT’S a whole new ball game!!!

Yes you’re exploding with happiness and eagerness , but deep down, in the back of your head is that little voice making you wonder if you’ll give her the absolute best upbringing? Will her manners be the real reflection of what you have intended to teach her? Will your patience ever run out? Will you be able to protect her health and be attentive to signs that might mean she’s ill?

All these questions add up and you can try and compare that same ‘stir’ of a new project , since this indeed is THE PROJECT OF YOUR LIFE! ( or should I say the project of you GIVING life!)

There are many business plans, marketing agencies, and even financial advisors that can all guide your way to building a success. But as a mother the ONLY answer to all those doubts and fears inside you is with LOVE!

Dive deep into motherhood and understand like in every new excursion, there will be shifts in your program, and even bumps and stumbles, but through LOVE you will never be lost and rest assured you will achieve the biggest of your accomplishments every single night as you tuck in your little angel goodnight!

Hugs & Kisses,
The Bornbrite Mom – CEO of home

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